
De-Foggin My Noggin!

It came! It finally came! My 24-pack order of Nawgan! I'm not usually one for 'energy drinks' or anything of the sort but this semester has been incredibly rough on me. With tests and research bombarding me at every corner I succumbed to the current craze of consuming sugary, metabolite loaded beverages.

I picked my poison and, being the nerd that I am, had to pick the one advertised to boost my cognitive abilities! (I think I was secretly wishing a can would contain crushed Ritalin .. but that's besides that point). I heard the ad for this drink on the radio one day and I couldn't resist the headline claiming it was the drink "when you want to think". They even said smart people drank this everyday! I want to be a smart person.. I must give into this marketing scheme!

So I bought my first drink a few weeks ago and it wasn't half bad. I usually can't stand energy drinks but I was pleasantly surprised with how this one tastes. Although, I have to state that when doing my research, the makers of this beverage didn't claim it as an energy drink.

They made it seem like it was more along the lines of a supplementary drink that will enhance cognitive memory and activity with time (and consumption, duh).

Citicoline, Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoyrl Choline and Lycopene are the magic ingredients in this drink.

Citicoline claims to increase mental energy and focus.

Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoyrl Choline is naturally found in the brain and precursors acetylcholine which is a signaling molecule to numerous reactions.

And Lycopene is an antioxidant. I think with all the health food craze, not much explanation has to be given to this little guy.

Anywho, these bottles aren't sold in bulk commercially yet so I had to order mine on Amazon. I can only find single cans sold at Walgreens for around $2.39 per can. Sort of expensive when you're supposed to drink these guys daily to improve your brain but that's a bargain I'm willing to consider. So far though I've only had Nawgan on an average of every other day for two weeks. I haven't noticed any difference but I haven't hooked my brain up to a CAT scan to really see any evidence.

As of now I'll even settle with the placebo effect. Anything that will make me function smarter, faster and better until this semester is over!

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