
All that glitters

So I've reached that point in my life where most of my close friends are beginning to plan the next step in their lives. It's funny how we all have an agenda for life; at 18 graduate high school, at 22 graduate college, 26 get married, 28 have children. Little do we know so much of life is out of our control! (And that's part of the adventure). And even though some of us may be aware of the constant ebb and flow of the events in life, it doesn't stop us from trying to control the entropy and plan! This is where I am currently, and I am guilty of looking 100 steps into the future and planning something that is out of reach for me right now.

Yes that's right, ladies and gentlemen, I am having a girly moment where I just look up engagement rings! I don't know why I'm hardwired to be attracted to these shiny objects, but I am! And I'm usually not this girly - I have no idea what 'cut' of diamond I want and I don't even know the name of the ring setting I like. Heck! I don't even know what ring size I am. But I guess this post will serve as my makeshift 'pinterest' and for future reference when I need to tell someone what I like.

For now, I'll just enjoy posting pretty pictures of shinies!


  1. I'm guilty of this too! I already have color themes picked out and the ring I like. HA! One day...
