

So I'm not pregnant but as I've said in my previous post, I'm slowly becoming surrounded by friends who are taking big steps in their lives and it's causing me to sit and day dream about my future. The most common thing I wonder about is my future home, hence my entry title. What will my kitchen be like? What kitchenware will I have? What kind of home will I have?  Will I have a two car garage? A nice backyard? Fenced? Brick house? Wood floors? How many bedrooms? One story or two story? I've seen adorable posts on my friend, Milynn's blog about home designs and so I'm going to post inspiring pictures here tonight. (Because I have work early in the morning so this is a good idea!)


I'm torn between having a vintage/rustic/rural looking home and yet have everything be clean, simple, sleek, and modern. (I know I must sound like a total nutcase, but I have to make it work somehow!). 

I get a lot of my inspiration from Apartment Therapy. I'm not quite sure how both of my themes will merge together and work, but it's a challenge I'm looking forward to tackling. I can't wait until the day comes when I can finally have my own home and design it the way I want.

Then I hope to host a bunch of dinner parties in my amazing kitchen with amazing food and amazing friends. Time to work on finding the missing pieces to my puzzle!


  1. Hello! I found your blog from Milyunn's blog, actually, and I think yours is adorable! I really like the name. ^^
    anyways, I can understand that dilemma - I think both types of houses are great - the vintage ones have the quaint and homey-ness while the sleek ones are just, well, cool. I think I'm more of a modern person myself - I like my gadgets too much!
    Great image compilations. :)
    ♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

    1. Thanks so much! :) And I know what you mean - hopefully we can figure out a compromise to our dilemma when the time comes!

  2. This is why we live parallel lives. I am so anxious to know the future and live in a nice house. Although... I can't decide if I want to live in a vintage-y house or a contemporary modern home. That's why i'd blend the two as well! Rustic Modern. We can make it work somehow!
