

So I'm not pregnant but as I've said in my previous post, I'm slowly becoming surrounded by friends who are taking big steps in their lives and it's causing me to sit and day dream about my future. The most common thing I wonder about is my future home, hence my entry title. What will my kitchen be like? What kitchenware will I have? What kind of home will I have?  Will I have a two car garage? A nice backyard? Fenced? Brick house? Wood floors? How many bedrooms? One story or two story? I've seen adorable posts on my friend, Milynn's blog about home designs and so I'm going to post inspiring pictures here tonight. (Because I have work early in the morning so this is a good idea!)


I'm torn between having a vintage/rustic/rural looking home and yet have everything be clean, simple, sleek, and modern. (I know I must sound like a total nutcase, but I have to make it work somehow!). 

I get a lot of my inspiration from Apartment Therapy. I'm not quite sure how both of my themes will merge together and work, but it's a challenge I'm looking forward to tackling. I can't wait until the day comes when I can finally have my own home and design it the way I want.

Then I hope to host a bunch of dinner parties in my amazing kitchen with amazing food and amazing friends. Time to work on finding the missing pieces to my puzzle!


All that glitters

So I've reached that point in my life where most of my close friends are beginning to plan the next step in their lives. It's funny how we all have an agenda for life; at 18 graduate high school, at 22 graduate college, 26 get married, 28 have children. Little do we know so much of life is out of our control! (And that's part of the adventure). And even though some of us may be aware of the constant ebb and flow of the events in life, it doesn't stop us from trying to control the entropy and plan! This is where I am currently, and I am guilty of looking 100 steps into the future and planning something that is out of reach for me right now.

Yes that's right, ladies and gentlemen, I am having a girly moment where I just look up engagement rings! I don't know why I'm hardwired to be attracted to these shiny objects, but I am! And I'm usually not this girly - I have no idea what 'cut' of diamond I want and I don't even know the name of the ring setting I like. Heck! I don't even know what ring size I am. But I guess this post will serve as my makeshift 'pinterest' and for future reference when I need to tell someone what I like.

For now, I'll just enjoy posting pretty pictures of shinies!


(Late) Summer Book List

So Organic Chemistry II is coming to an end soon and instead of studying for the last exam I've decided my time would be better spent making a book list. I'd have a month before going back to school and of course I won't be studying for the GRE, so I'll just leisure read instead! (I have to keep my aging mind active somehow).

Following will be a list, in no particular order, of books I am interested in obtaining. Read with me if you like! :)

Summer 2012 Book List:


Something to think about.


Something worth sharing and worth listening to. Carl Sagan certainly puts things into perspective.
So on your worst days and when you're dealing with what seems like the worst moment in your life, in your moments of greatest plight and strife - it's not even a fraction of what's going on in the entire universe. And the most important thing to remember is that it will get better and it will be over with sooner or later.

All of our problems, all of our knowledge and all that we are is stardust.


Bioluminescent plankton

One of the things on my bucket list is to visit a beach during an overgrowth of Dinoflagellates or copeopods. The aglae bioluminescences blue when disturbed in the water. :) Mother nature is amazing. (Especially microbes!)


One of those days

Despite the hustle and bustle of my summer schedule I still catch myself missing the past at various moments throughout my day.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder how much longer it's going to take me to completely move on.

It's been months but I'm stuck! I guess the important thing is to keep myself busy, but even sometimes that's not enough.

Oh well, sooner or later I'll be where I want to be. And until then I just have to keep trudging along. (:


Word of the (end of the) week!

So it's been finals week and that means it's been crunch time. I'm not really supposed to even be blogging right now but it's the end of the week almost and I feel like I'm super late on a post.

Desiderata -
 Latin: "desired things", plural of desideratum.

Haven't had time to make a picture that represents the deeper meaning of this word for me so I just scrounged through old photos. And right now while I'm cramming I desire two things - sleep and/or food.